I read a quote by Mr. Abraham Lincoln that said, “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.” We all know that the world doesn’t pay us for what we know but for what we do; but do we always take action? One thing that seems to separate winners from losers is that winners take action. So, are you a highly action-oriented person or do you just talk about all the things you want?
Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonalds, said, “There are three keys to success: 1. Being at the right place at the right time. 2. Knowing you are there. 3. Taking action. <- Did you catch that last one? TAKING ACTION! It doesn’t matter where you are or who you know if you don’t have enough initiative to take action! NO one is privileged to anything in life simply because they are born or they think they deserve it. Behind every great achievement is a story of education, training, practice, discipline, and sacrifice. You have to be willing to pay the price! So what are you waiting for? Be Willing!
FUNNY STORY: A Story is told of a man who goes to church and prays, “God I need a break. I need to win the state lottery. I’m counting on you, God.” Having not won the lottery, the man returns to church a week later and once again prays, “God about that state lottery…I’ve been kind to my wife. I’ve given up drinking. I’ve been really good. Give me a break. Let me win the lottery.” A week later, still no richer, he returns to pray once again. “God, I don’t seem to be getting through to you on this state lottery thing. I’ve been using positive self-talk, saying affirmations, and visualizing the money. Give me a break, God. Let me win the lottery.” Suddenly the heavens open, white light and heavenly music flood into the church, and a deep voice says, “My son, give me a break! Buy a lottery ticket!”
If you don’t take action, you can't expect results!