Sometimes everything feels perfect. I feel happy, joyful, content, and loved. I feel like I am living my life the way that I am supposed to. I feel like I am making the right decisions and that the sunshine is following me everywhere I am going. I am an optimist in every sense of the word! Then something happens, my life starts to feel stagnant, I start looking at what is missing, start searching for something because even in the happiest of times I can’t place my finger on a void that comes and goes. There comes the question- “What is life about?”
This cycle comes and goes. I wonder if everyone has these highs and lows. Are there some people who ALWAYS feel complete and content in their life? I was speaking with a great girlfriend of mine about this “incompleteness”; this “not knowing my ultimate purpose.” She sent me some very wise words that helped my perspective. I would like to share with you:
“Just know that your purpose is always bigger than you. It's never anything small and in your comfort zone. It's going to be something that will be a challenge and a blessing at the same time. And whenever I have that void, I just take about 2-3 min and tell God how much I love him and I appreciate him sending his son to die just for me because nobody else would do that for me...and how he's my source, how he provides me with what I need. I thank him for my parents, friends, my clothes on my back, my car (lol), etc. Anything I can think of and I ask him to fill that void for me because I don't want anything or anyone else to.”
I LOVE IT J! Thanks to my girl!