Now I don’t know if I should admit this but I I have one of my ex’s login information for his social networking account (before yall get all judgmental, he knows and doesn’t care). We really are just friends. Anyway, when I am bored I may log on for entertainment purposes (or just because I am nosey). Some of the messages that he receives are quite comical. As a result, I started asking myself, “Do us women/men think about some of the things we write/say before we send/say them?”
I am definitely guilty of having those “Stick foot in mouth” moments but some of the things people say I really believe could have been prevented. Anyway, here are a couple of “Did you really say that?”
Girl writes this to guy:
“I know that this is going to seem really crazy because we don’t even know each other. And then it is going to sound even crazier that I am sending you this message through facebook but I thought I would let you know that you were in my dream last night.” <- Did she really write that to a guy! If you thought it was going to make you sound crazy and you didn’t want him to think you were crazy, why did you send him a facebook message telling him exactly what would make you seem crazy?!
There is this man that has been trying to take a friendship to another level, one day or text message is as follows: (spelling is exactly how he spells)
Him: “Do you no what quick sand is and what it can do? If your not sure look it up and answer that.”
Me: “I know what quicksand is and that you sink if you are stuck in it. What are you implying?”
Him: “I’m like quicksand don’t fight me if you do you’ll sink deeper and deeper. Im just sayingJ”
WHAT?????? Maybe, I am tripping but would this text convo have any of you ladies ready to get trapped in his “quicksand.” It sure did not have me feeling any kind of way! Matter of fact something is a little creepy when a man says, “don’t fight me.”
While watching an episode of millionaire matchmaker I could not believe the conversation. Let me set the scene. The millionaire is a retired nfl player and is on a FIRST (I draw attention to first b/c everyone does not have to air their dirty laundry out) date with the girl that he was most interested in from the mixer. They are headed to a romantic, roof-top dinner.
Her: “So you know I am a single mom and I have to look out for myself. Thus, I googled you. And it is said that you don’t pay your child support.”
WHAT???? Lady, you are on a first date! That is not an appropriate question to ask at all! How offensive and none of your business on the first date!
Anyway, blogs are meant to be random. Hope you enjoyed my randomness!
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