Why are people so quick to judge one another like they live a perfect life? Women and men are both guilty of picking apart someone’s decisions and collectively roasting them until they find the next victim. Am I mistaken or was Jesus Christ not the only man to walk this earth sin free? But then again he was beat and ridiculed so why should us sinners expect people to have mercy on us.
I say this to say that only YOU live your life. On judgment day no one defends the decisions you made in life except you. We are ALL guilty of talking about what he or she did and while we do so we push our own vices to the back of our minds. Why? Could it be that exposing someone else keeps the X-ray machine from radiating us? I know when I have talked about others I felt a sense of superiority over them. A feeling that I am in a sense better because I don’t do this or don’t do that when in reality I may not do the same stuff but I am certainly just as human.
One day I asked my father what he wants in life his reply, “For everyone to be happy. When everyone is happy they are not worried about what I got going on over here. They aren’t trying to take what someone else because they feel like they deserve it.” Until then I never really thought about it that way. So when I talk about others in a degrading and judgmental way can I still say that I am happy with where I am at? After all, if we were happy would we feed off of “hating” (I hate this term but it seemed to be the fitting word) on someone else’s life or would we be so blissful in our own that we wouldn’t have time to notice the flaws of another person trying to make their place in this world? JUST SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT.
All TRUE! Stay positive :-)