I would like to say that I have NEVER had a COMPLETE "falling out" with a female friend but unfortanetly it does happen. Whenever a friendship ceases to exist I always come to the conclusion that who I thought she was, was completely different from who she actually portrayed. They say it takes time to discover who a person really is. I assure you whoever the "they" is, knew what they were talking about! I quickly gave her the label "friend" when she should have been labeled "Phony". Now I am not on here to downgrade another female, especially one I had much love for in the past. Honestly, if she could have just kept it real we could still be friends to this day.
The reason for this post is my curiousity as to why it is so difficult for females to have GIRLfriends. I have heard many females say, "I have very few girlfriends" or "I get along better with males because it is hard to find females you can trust." This is really sad. The people who understand women the most, us, can't trust one another and can't form supporting relationships to uplift each other. I don't know about you but I LOVE having female friends. Sure male friends are able to offer that male perspective when we need it but let's face it a GREAT male friend still leaves a void that only a GREAT female friend can fill. So females what is it going to take for us to see past ourselves and be the type of friend to all females that we want for ourselves?
I want to challenge females to try the following every once in awhile. See how you feel about yourself and who knows maybe a true girlfriend relationship will blossom?
1. Compliment another female and truly mean it. Thus, save this task until you really find something about another female that you truly like! (Plus, no one loves a phony!)
2. Evaluate the exact reason you are no longer friends with a girl you were once super tight with. Was the reason petty? You don't have to rekindle the friendship but maybe you were so mad about the situation you never took the time to consider if YOU contributed to the problem. (I know this one is hard because we ARE never the problem it is ALWAYS the other person....uh huh...)
3. Adopt a lunch date girlfriend. Maybe someone you would have never hung out with but try her out. Even if a best friend does not result you can always learn something from everyone you encounter in life.
4. Help a female out. Volunteer once or twice at Batered Women's Shelter, help a single mother, visit an elderly woman, etc. these women could always use a helping hand and a shoulder to lean on. Face it us women need to start supporting one another.
5. ALWAYS practice being happy for the females around you no matter how unhappy you are. Jealousy is nothing but the devil trying to convince you that you have nothing going on in your own life worth being content about. REMEMBER when God created you as a woman you already were made perfect:-)
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