To say that I love food would be an understatement because I LOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEE food. Food is like my back stabbing friend and frankly some of “food” I could do without in my life. Food has his/her good and bad qualities. I call the good for you food like veggies, fruit, lean meat “her” and the bad for you food like cookies, cake, bread, ice cream “him.” I have been having this love/hate relationship with food for awhile now. Why couldn’t God have blessed me to be one of those flat stomach, cute butt, nice size breast, eat whatever I want type of girls? Then “him” food and I could be best friends. Now i’ve been straddling the fence for some time now about how and when I am going to let “him” food know that we can no longer “kick it” like we have been. I said I was going to do it last year when I noticed my pudge, that used to only appear when I sat down, starting to make itself visible when I stood up. Then 6 months ago when my pudge joined forces with my whole midsection and decided to hangover my jeans, making me a “muffin top,” I knew that was the perfect moment. So today I wore a pencil skirt to work and by lunch time noticed my skin was rubbed raw on my inner thighs. The cause? My things have decided they want to fight each other by rubbing together every step I take! To add to the reality of what “him” food is doing to me I think I have booty do?! (For those of you not familiar with term it is when your stomach sticks out farther than your booty do)
SO today I decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! If I don’t like something about myself I am the only person that can change it. No more weak, vulnerable me. Today is the day that I tell “him” food we must part ways.
“You have to change your mind set about food.
It is not for your enjoyment and pleasure
Food is to nourish your body.”
Note to self: The hardest part is ALWAYS the beginning. If I don’t begin then I can never achieve the me I want to see. Below are some rules to get US started on establishing and maintaining a healthful diet:
Rule 1: Calories count. Determine your BMR (this is the number of calories your body needs to function at the most basic level).
Women: BMR= 655+(4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)
Men: BMR= 66+(6.32 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)
Rule 2: Eat every four hours (not “him” food though) and no skipping meals!
Rule 3: No processed or Junk Foods- PERIOD.
Rule 4: Beat the bloat! Minimize sodium intake, maximize water intake.
Rule 5: No Booze (Anyone who knows me, knows I don’t particularly like rule 5!)
Rule 6: Keep a food journal (I met a man the other day that lost 60 pounds last year. I asked him how he was able to do it. He said that the food journal helped immensely, “something about holding myself accountable for everything I put into my mouth.”)
Too keep it humorous and fun check out a clip from Wanda Sykes standup where she talks about her roll name Ester! (Starts at min 3.44) HILARIOUS.
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