Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Have you traded love for a pair of Louboutins and a Louis bag?

I have heard so many women bash the existence of “love” either due to numerous heartbreaks, the love of material possessions, or a combination of both. Some women trade men with vision and morals for men with popularity, money, status, and power. I once had an older man tell me “Men are men. A poor man will put you through the same things as a rich one. So wouldn’t you rather put up with his drama while driving a Mercedes instead of a Kia?” What is so sad is that many women have taken on this mentality. Instead of getting for themselves they put up with men who they don’t really love because they provide them with status, power, money, and possessions- relationships have become business transactions. I may sound naive or like a hopeless romantic but I just refuse to believe that love no longer exists.
There was once a time when women were not able to vote or compete with men in certain professions. Those times are behind us and women like Oprah, Hilary Clinton, Carol Bartz (CEO of Yahoo), etc. have proven that every little girl can grow up to be as successful as she desires. So why are so many women desiring to be rescued or saved by a prince charming? There is nothing wrong with marrying a man that has money, status, or power; however, if you only love him for those things and not for who he is or how he treats you don’t be surprised if you are constantly searching for the next thing to fulfill you.
We have ALL had our hearts broken at one point or another, been filled with resentment toward the “no good” person that left us heart-broken, vowed to never love again, and heard the cliché statement, “Time heals all wounds.” I’m sure Tiger Woods ex-wife does not have to deal with the stress of how am I going to pay my rent but just because she received millions of dollars it doesn’t make her any less hurt or any more happy than those of us working our 9 to 5 who received $0 from our break-up.
Prince Charming shouldn’t be your rescuer or savior but he should be your partner- your best friend. Do not lose site that there are great men out there who want to treat you how you deserve to be treated. Do not give up love so that you can have the latest pair of Louboutins and Louis purse. Instead, feel confident enough to provide for yourself, financially and emotionally. That way when your Prince Charming comes along you can recognize him and choose to be there because you want to be not because you NEED to be. It will not always be easy (matter of fact it won’t be easy at all!) reaching your personal goals but the reward of accomplishment will make the sacrifice worth it. Side Note: Most happily, married women have told me that their prince charming came along when they weren’t even looking for him. SO BE STILL! You don’t want to be stuck with a man you had to trick, stalk, force, or can’t be yourself around.


  1. This is so true! I once had a very rich guy buying me things all the time and taking me places...but i had no feelings for him but friend feelings. My mother told me i would find Mr.Right when i wasn't looking and she was totally right. I'm now HAPPILY married to a wonderful man and we are by no means rich in material posessions but we are SO RICH in love and now family :) which beats material things any day!

  2. I am just trying to figure out where all these guys are at buying Louboutins and Louis bags? I mean...a girl is lucky to get a dinner offer with the scrubs we have around here. Regardless of circumstances, it is rare to even find that two people are in a relationship for the RIGHT reasons. Great blog Heather! Oh and I feel like I should reiterate the side note. "You don’t want to be stuck with a man you had to trick, stalk, force, or can’t be yourself around." Period.

  3. I feel like the first problem is there is no respect for being a gentleman anymore. Secondly we do live a materialistic time and its nothing wrong with a woman having standards, but the problems start when the woman is stepping outside of their zone. "You can't be a nickle looking for a dime." Show me a woman that can run a home, motivated to have her own, keep herself up, and most of all has true respect for herself. I will die trying to give her the world. You can find a great woman that has touched every successful man life and I promise if you ask what are some of the things that motivate him you will hear here name.
    so to these woman that want the world giving to them, who is naming you?
